BPR August 2022 Newsletter - You Are Braver, Stronger, and Smarter

BPR August 2022 Newsletter - You Are Braver, Stronger, and Smarter

BPR August 2022 Newsletter - You Are Braver, Stronger, and Smarter

BPR August 2022 Newsletter - You Are Braver, Stronger, and Smarter

One of the most brilliant pieces of advice I received from one of my beloved mentores is this: "people (that includes biz owners!) like to be around folks they like and that are fun to be with". This is one of the many sage bits I've been fortunate enough to pick up along the way and that has turned most of the more business school or corporate type advice I've been fed, on its head. I'm even more fortunate to apply in practice what I learn as we continue to shape our people driven organization - ten years young this year! It comes down to our people, getting real with ourselved and each other, and collectively getting out of our own way so that growth isn't just a catchphrase that sounds nice. We're all braver, stronger, and smarter than we allow ourselves to think. Go for it, do what's uncomfortable, lean on each other - you'd be surprised at where you end up vs. what you thought you could do!

This month's feature is dedicated to people we love including a spotlight on one of our more successful clients, and providing you with the HR resources that will help you get your people processes in order.

- Jessica Hornbeck, CEO & The BPR Team

Email Us!


With the recent budget increase ($80 billion), the IRS has announced they are planning to hire over 87,000 auditing agents.

This is a great time to ensure that your small business's books are organized and prepared in the case of an audit. Big Picture Results offers year-to-date clean-ups with ease and adheres to IRS best practices - facilitating a streamlined year-end Tax Reporting process which we coordinate on your business's behalf.

BPR can get your books up to date as needed so that you are moving forward with meaningful reporting at your fingertips.

BPR has cost-effective monthly 'add-ons' for our clients that will position you to stay compliant and prevent issues proactively.

 Areas of expertise include:

  • On - boarding/ off - boarding procedures and paperwork

  • Handbook creation, implementation & updates

  • Conflict resolution & retention strategies

  • Performance Management - salary reviews & compensation analysis

  • State & local employment law compliance

  • HR file records & retention policies

  • Diversity & inclusion strategies

  • Employee engagement & satisfaction surveys and action plans

The implementation of a strategic HR approach can help transform business goals into operational initiatives, that improve team member engagement, efficiency, & profitability.


Best Practices


To read the full article from the HR Bartender: HERE


BPR Client & Community Spotlight

We are thrilled for Woman/Latina owned We Klean, with BPR since 2016.

We love supporting Owner Aracelis Gutierrez on all things Financial, Operational and People as she grows her firm's net margins to >40%!

Contact We Klean, a stellar process driven company, for your commercial and medical facility cleaning needs.

Removing the burden of sales managment, Sales Mind Solutions works with your business to drive lead generation, better structure the sales process, leverage sales technologies, create a pipeline model and accountability, and individually coach reps.

Best of all, you can access a superstar sales manager for about 1/3 the cost of the below-average sales manager.

We've recently established a partnership with this relationship-based lender that offersd equipment financing, lines of credit, and a variety of SBA loan products. Ask us for an intro and support shaping up your financials.


Our CEO Jessica Hornbeck joined an informative panel last month on the top KPIs to keep an eye on various perspectives-accounting/financial services firm, a lender, and a successful digital marketing agency with 150+ employees.

To learn more about KPIs, the recorded webinar HERE.


Cash Flow & Capital Resources


Black Business Month

Black women represent approx. 40% of net new women owned businesses, yet recieve <1% of total venture capital. Here are some ways to celebrate and support our black biz owners, as well as solutions on challenges:

10 Ways to Celebrate National Black Business Month

Expert Advice & Solutions for Black-Owned Business Challenges

Hello Alice - Small Business Growth Fund

Sponsored by Mastercard and recently announced on August 24th, the Hello Alice Small Business Growth Fund is offering small business owners the opportunity to recieve a $5,000 grant to help them make their next big move.

Apply Here

Founders First Capital Partners

Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps: HERE

The Entreprenurial Spirit Fund by SIA Scotch

Open to entrepreneurs of color in the food and beverage industry. 
Link Here

Accion Opportunity Fund Small Business Program Loan

Link here

CDC Small Business Finance

An SBA lender, non-profit and advocate for entrepreneurs:
Link Here


Harrah's All-in 4 Change Non Profit Grants

Open to San Diego, Riverside and Orange County Non Profits
Link Here


QBO Capital

Offers short to long term financing tied to your QBO merchant account, fast, easy, capital based on what you process.

More information: Here
Scheduler Link: Here

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