December 2022 Newsletter – Painting Is A Lot Like Running A Biz

December 2022 Newsletter – Painting Is A Lot Like Running A Biz

December 2022 Newsletter – Painting Is A Lot Like Running A Biz

December 2022 Newsletter – Painting Is A Lot Like Running A Biz

Peeling back another layer from last month’s conversation re: the teachers all around us, even chores and projects we undertake come with lessons. We just need to pause long enough to receive these lessons. A recent and inspired home office revamp that’s taken up hours of my time and energy has also been quite the parallel for me between painting and running a biz. I was pumped, prepared, and there was no stopping me to take on this effort. My right brain took over - emotion and creativity were fueling me. To the hell with the left brain asking whether this was the best use of my time and talents? I was riding high for a while (or was it the paint fumes?) and after several hours of labor, first coat done, it was time to verify results and ‘check the data’ against expectations. Not exactly in alignment with my vision, inner dialogue quickly went downhill and ranged from “this is a lot harder than I thought, why did I think I could do this?” to “oh man, not what I was hoping for, I need a better strategy fast!”. And what about the sunk cost of materials and time spent?

I had no time to wallow and instead gathered info on where things went wrong (thank you, YouTube!). Armed with a new strategy followed by action the next day led to getting the results I’d hoped for. Though it’s not a perfect outcome, it’s a hell of a lot better than if I continued on the current course, or if I failed to act timely. Although I’m feeling accomplished, I’ll be sure to leave it to the professionals for the next painting project. I can get a better ROI applying my creative talents elsewhere.

The lesson? We are in control of our outcomes! The beauty of small business is that we are nimble. Get clear and focus on what you do well, do that and hire, outsource or partner with others on what they’re good at that you need. Go for it, check in, adjust accordingly and with grace so that it’s a continued improvement until you get to your ‘there’.

Let us know if there’s anything we can do for you and your entrepreneurial journey! We wish you a peaceful finish to 2022 with space for reflection and celebration with loved ones. Make 2023 even better! - Jessica Hornbeck, CEO & The BPR Team

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Services & End Of Year Reminders
Holiday Reminders 
We’re excited for some quality time with loved ones and hope you are too! BPR will be closed for business December 20th through January 2nd, 2023. 

Tax Preparation/Filing and Full Year Accounting Update 
Reach out ASAP if you need to get your Accounting and Financials in order along with recommendations ahead of year-end for the 2022 tax filing season. Don’t wait until the last minute to get a handle on your numbers or moves that can save you money!  As an added benefit to our clients, we will seamlessly prepare and timely file your 2022 tax returns.

Project Management Implementation 
Now is a good time to tighten up processes, workflows, and delegating to those best suited so you can make and do more in less time. Ask us how!

Best Practices

Workplace Compliance Training

Now is the time to ensure compliance with sexual harassment training requirements for your company and employees. 

In California employers must provide: (1) at least two hours of sexual harassment prevention training to all supervisory employees; and (2) at least one hour of sexual harassment prevention training to all non-supervisory employees.

The training must be provided once every two years.

Although not required, we also encourage Contractors that are a part of your team to take this training.  A resource we like is EasyLlama

Partner Spotlight
Cyber security's importance is on the rise! As we become more technologically reliant, it is important that businesses (especially those that have access to Customer information) develop a cyber security strategy. West Coast IT Group offers an extensive range of technical services including IT consulting, IT support, cyber security, custom software applications, wiring installation and more! Ask us for more info on WC IT Group’s monthly maintenance that ensures your organization is protected proactively.

Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics
Retroactive ERTC 

Employers may claim the 2020 ERTC until April 15, 2024, and the 2021 ERTC until April 15, 2025, up to three years after the original payroll taxes were due. We can help file (amended) Quarterly 941- X.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit 
Federal tax credit available to employers who invest in American job seekers who have consistently faced barriers to employment. You must certify verification of new hire prior to receiving tax credit.

Grant Opportunity: Keep it Local Business Fund $5k for PoC

Hello Alice Small Business MasterCard
Access resources for headstart on your biz, boost camp and workshops

Accion Opportunity Fund
Low interest rates for this small business loan program partnered with AMEX

Womens Net and Amber (Grants) - here's a list of 16 grants for women biz owners
A list of 16 grants for women biz owners.

Founders First Capital Partners
Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses.  Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps:  HERE 

CDC Small Business Finance An SBA lender, non-profit and advocate for entrepreneurs

QBO Capital 
Offers short to long term financing tied to your QBO merchant account, fast, easy, capital based on what you process.
More Information: HERE
Schedule Link: HERE

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