BPR October 2023 Newsletter – National Women’s Small Business Month

BPR October 2023 Newsletter – National Women’s Small Business Month

BPR October 2023 Newsletter – National Women’s Small Business Month

BPR October 2023 Newsletter – National Women’s Small Business Month

This month, we honor women - who have had (and continue to have) to work 3x as hard to get ½ the pay and recognition of their male counterparts. For those of us who have broken glass ceilings and are bent on blazing the trail for the rest of us, we feel you, and are behind you in spirit AND action! I am grateful every single day for all of it - the small missteps, the resistance to doing our thing, and especially the big failures, for they have become the silver linings that have enabled me to practice in action empowerment of women through the
organizations I’ve led and the ones that have yet to unfold.

“October is National Women's Small Business Month, a time in which we celebrate the progress and achievements of women-owned businesses. With over 13 million women-owned
businesses in the United States today, they are leaving a lasting impact on the nation's economy*.”

So, ladies go on and keep doing your thing! Go get what’s yours and jump at the opportunity. If you’re doing it right, you will be scared, and you will get pushback. If you need a dose of courage, hit me up – we got you!

- Jessica and the BPR team


Enjoy the music video!

Services, Tax & Legal Updates

Tax Planning – Did you know that BPR can handle all of your firm’s Accounting, Tax Preparation/Filing, and Strategic Tax Planning?




Financial Checkup – BPR’s Financial / Accounting checkup

Is the 1st step getting dialed in, because you’ll walk away knowing where gaps exist and with a roadmap for next steps. Meet with one of our sharp AND personable advisors for this one-off Consulting tool/session PRIOR to year-end, even if you’re not ready for a full on Accounting overhaul.







Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to
women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Financial Literacy for Employees, September 2023

  • We’ve partnered up with Vista based Construction and Architectural Consulting firm AD Magellan Inc. to lead monthly Financial Literacy discussions for their predominantly woman and PoC team.

  • IF you’re interested in doing the same for your organization, do reach out!






Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners


Shout out to VP and Executive Producer, Ashley McCann of Video Pro San Diego (VPSD), for leading the charge to optimize your business's online presence through exquisite media content, including NEW interactive video!

Ashley is a San Diego local, has had the privilege of working alongside Emmy Award winning directors, and actively empowers her team and clients through storytelling and opportunities to have their voices heard.




Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

Grant Consulting Services

Valerie Grant with Grant Consulting Services, is the expert on securing women business owner certification and grants to fund your business growth. Book time with Valerie HERE.

WomensNet Amber Grants

10k monthly grants, more information HERE.

Score Resources for Women Entrepreneurs

More info HERE.

Small Business Growth Fund (Round 3)

Recipients will receive $5,000-$25,000 grants to help accelerate their growth and achieve their goals. Deadline to apply, Oct 27th 2023. More Info HERE.

Founders First Capital Partners

Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE.

Our CEO, Jessica Hornbeck enjoys being a subject matter expert on Financial Statements and KPIs, presenting to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania cohort next week

Hello Alice Small Business Funding

More info HERE.

** borrowed from Kim Folsom, Founder and CEO of Founders First Capital Partners, recently added to the 2023 Inc. Magazine 500

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