September 2021 Newsletter Back to School Edition

September 2021 Newsletter Back to School Edition

September 2021 Newsletter Back to School Edition

September 2021 Newsletter Back to School Edition

It's Back to School! Tis' the season to revel in the hours now available to get things done a la this hilarious Staples commercial from 1996. Parent or not - ALL of us benefit from taking space to PAUSE. REFLECT. DO BETTER! This is one of several tenets to help you make MORE money in LESS time, and just the sort of prompt we leverage to guide (and sometimes push!) our Grow Your Business clients.

For our greater small business community, partner and friends - we wanted to throw some of our favorite Best Practices and Resources your way for this Back to School Edition. Do hit us up if you'd benefit from talking through any and all of the above, always!

- The BPR Team

Best Practices

PAUSE. REFLECT. DO BETTER! One of our favorite mantras in getting things done may feel a bit uncomfortable, but you will see results!

Eliminate. Automate. Delegate.

Security is becoming increasingly critical especially when you may have sensitive Client information. We recommend utilizing a password manager like LastPass to securely save your passwords. Read here to learn more about LastPass and how to sign up for a FREE account.

Gone are the days when email can be a trusted means of transmitting confidential information. Due to increased intricacies and advanced technology that hackers are now equipped with, sensitive information and documents should not be shared via email but through a secure file sharing program. At BPR we utilize ShareFile to safely send and collect documents from our Clients. Learn more about the benefits of ShareFile here

Achieving a ZERO inbox at the end of each work day is something to be desired by many. Check out this Woodard article on how to handle your inbox like a boss! Pick one of the actions below to help reach that daily goal:



  • DO IT.

  • DEFER IT. (get it on the calendar!)

Updates on COVID-19 Programs

SBA streamlines PPP Forgiveness for loans under $150k - 6% of borrowers who have applied for forgiveness have been told they must pay back some portion of their loans, according to the Small Business Administration - adding up to more than $27 billion. Meanwhile, half of borrowers have yet to finish the forgiveness process.

Claim the ERC for 3rd and 4th quarter of 2021 - The IRS extends the Employer Retention Credit once again along with some modifications.

COVID-19 Tax Credits for Paid Sick Leave Wages and Paid Family Leave Wages - the deadline to claim these credits is September 30, 2021. Check with your payroll provider on how to claim your tax credits.

Helpful Funding Resources

California Small Business Grant - This grant program continues to progress into Rounds 8 and 9. Check to see if you're eligible to apply in the latest rounds.

California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC) - As an incentive to businesses that want to relocate to California or stay and grow in California, an income tax credit is available by application. Read more about how this program has worked for other businesses here. Our CPA partner Class Advisors can help you file for these credits!

KKR Business Builders Grant - This grant is available through Hello Alice (a great resource we love!). The grant offers $10,000 to eligible businesses as well as "coaching and mentoring opportunities by KKR employees". The deadline to apply for the current round is October 15, 2021 at 6pm ET.

SBA Targeted EIDL Advance Grants - Additional grants of up to $10,000 are available to eligible businesses. 

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